Inicio » La Coordinadora » Basque development non-governmental organisations
Coordinadora de Ongd de Euskadi
We are a collective of Basque development non-governmental organisations (development NGOs)
Based on our conviction that political willingness and individual and collective engagement can change the course of the world, we condemn the current development model because it creates poverty, inequalities and injustice, it destroys the natural environment, and it violates human rights here and across the planet.
The following are some of our main tools for action to achieve sustainable human development: international cooperation, education for social transformation, humanitarian action, fostering peace, protection of human rights, and a feminist approach to the defence of women’s rights.
Our world is completely interlinked; multiple elements and factors interact and connect us to one another. The main problems and challenges we face are global, and therefore require global solutions.
The Basque Development NGO Coordinator was established in 1988 by 11 founding organisations and currently comprises 83 development NGOs. As representatives of the development sector, we bring the proposals, interests and values of development NGOs and of society to public administrations, other entities and the general public.
Our partners have a shared Code of Conduct setting out the principles and values that govern our action. We also work to shared transparency standards and a good governance model.
In 2009, the Basque Government awarded us the Ignacio Ellacuría Prize in recognition of our work.

“D” for development.
The word Development reflects the field in which our partner organisations operate.
They work for social justice, they tackle the causes of poverty and inequalities, and they help build a fairer and more equitable world that enables people to live a life of dignity and enjoy their rights.
They bring forward initiatives to promote education, health, and sustainable agriculture, to build key infrastructure, to strengthen local institutions and to guarantee fairness, among others. They also intervene in emergency situations and those caused by natural disasters. In the Basque Country, they raise awareness about what is happening across the world and about the causes of injustice, they condemn human rights violations, they bring forward proposals for change and they push for action.
“Trabajamos con más de 2,5 millones de personas en 58 países y a través de más de 740 proyectos de cooperación.
90.400 personas apoyan el trabajo de las ONGD vascas económicamente o mediante el voluntariado; este último está formado principalmente por mujeres.”